UWA's Certificate of Family Conflict Resolution (FDRP) (Executive Education)
A course equal to the six core units of the Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution (CHC81115)
August - December 2025, Perth
We are pleased to offer this course for those seeking to become an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
Please see the description of an FDRP as provided by the Attorney-General’s Department, Practitioner Accreditation Unit, here
Upon completion of this course, and having met the eligibility requirements** and accreditation requirements*** for the course, participants can apply to the Practitioner Accreditation Unit of the Attorney-General's Department for accreditation to be an FDRP on the basis of either:
Reg 5(3)(a)(i) - an appropriate qualification - and 5(3)(b)(ii) - units of a postgraduate qualification certified by UWA under Reg 8(1), or
Reg 5(3)(a)(ii) - current NMAS accreditation - and 5(3)(b)(ii) - units of a postgrad qualification certified by UWA under Reg 8(1)
Please read the Attorney-General’s Department factsheet on accreditation for more information on the process and to ensure that you are eligible before registering for the course
Option 1: Full Program
UWA's NMAS + 4 FDRP units
$11,000 (inc gst)​*
Option 2: FDRP Program only
Completed NMAS with non-UWA/AIFLAM provider
Bridging Course + 4 x FDRP units
$8,800 (inc gst)*
Option 3: FDRP Program only
Completed NMAS with UWA/AIFLAM
4 x FDRP units
$7,700 (inc gst)*
Please note:
* Discounts may apply:​
AIFLAM members are eligible for a $500 discount for Option 1 or 3
​Group bookings of 3 or more - please email us prior to registration
Flexible instalment options are available
At this time, Fee HELP / HECS are not available
Number of Participants
To ensure quality of practice, the number of participants in each cohort will be limited
Availability for 2024: Open to expressions of interest
Our Philosophy
The practice of family dispute resolution is a specialist area of dispute resolution. The role of an FDRP can be crucial in assisting parents to separate amicably while keeping the experience of the children in mind. To assist FDRPs to undertake this role professionally and empathically, we aim to equip our FDRPs with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to:​
Facilitate interpersonal conflict and dispute resolution in a family law context
Work with children and family systems, including knowledge of child development and attachment
Work with a child-focused approach, including skills to work with vulnerable children
Work with vulnerable people, including those experiencing violence and abuse
Work in different cultural and social contexts
Our Approach
We collaborate with a team of world-class researchers and practitioners to incorporate theoretically driven and evidence-based psychological concepts into our skills-base and approach to family dispute resolution.
By providing a theory-informed framework to assist FDRPs and mediators to understand what might be motivating the behaviours of people in conflict, we have found that the efficacy of facilitative dispute resolution processes can be enhanced.
Specifically, our approach is informed by contemporary neuroscientific literature which we have adapted to be user-friendly and directly applicable to mediators and FDRPs from a range of backgrounds and professions.
Our Course Eligibility
Our participants must have the following:
Current accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS)** and
For participants who have current NMAS accreditation, but did not undertake their NMAS training at UWA, you will need to complete UWA’s Bridging Course
** For participants who do not simultaneously meet one of the other eligibility requirements (e.g., an undergraduate degree/higher qualification in Psychology, Social Work, Law, Conflict Management, Dispute Resolution, Family Law Mediation or equivalent), NMAS Accreditation must be maintained in order to meet the FDRP accreditation requirements
Our Course Requirements
All four of our Family Dispute Resolution units must be completed and competency achieved**​*
Participants are welcome to complete the units across one or two (consecutive) training periods
*** Part of the course requirements are that participants must complete 50 hours of supervised FDR practice. This requirement is met by the completion of units FCR2 and FCR3, and through working with families that attend the UWA Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution Clinic (where possible) or another relevant workplace while completing FCR4
Our Units
Please contact us if you are not sure which units might apply to your situation

Bridging Course
Duration: 2 days​
Format: Online
Who is this for?: This course has been designed for those who wish to register for our FDRP course but did not undertake their NMAS training with UWA
Content: This course will provide you with essential knowledge, skills, and processes that will be further enhanced and developed across the 4 FDRP units

Family Conflict Resolution 1
Family Law, Ethics, and Family Dispute Resolution
Format: Online
Who is this for?: All participants must complete this unit. Some exemptions may apply for portions of the content
Content: Seminars and experiential exercises to provide an understanding of facilitating dispute resolution in the family law context, adhering to ethical standards in family dispute resolution, and operating in a family law environment

Family Conflict Resolution 3
Working with Family Violence, Vulnerable People, and Cultural Considerations
Format: Online and face-to-face (Perth/Melbourne)
Who is this for?: All participants must complete this unit
Content: Seminars and experiential exercises to provide an understanding of managing responses to domestic and family violence in family work, supporting the safety of vulnerable parties in family dispute resolution, and operating in a family law environment

UWA's NMAS Course
Duration: 6-day intensive or 1-night per week after hours
Format: Online or Face-to-face at UWA
Who is this for?: All participants who wish to register for our FDRP course must have completed a NMAS training program and hold current accreditation under the NMAS
Content: This course teaches the facilitative model of dispute resolution. Upon completion, participants are eligible to apply for registration as a Nationally Accredited Mediator

Family Conflict Resolution 2
Working with Children and Family Systems
Format: Online and face-to-face (Perth/Melbourne)
Who is this for?: All participants must complete this unit
Content: Seminars and experiential exercises to provide an understanding of babies, infants, and children, working with a child-focused approach, and facilitating dispute resolution in the family law context

Family Conflict Resolution 4
Family Mediation and Dispute Resolution Practice
Format: Online and face-to-face
Who is this for?: All participants must complete this unit
Content: Supervised work experience, content, and exercises designed to complete the course requirements